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Mounts Bay Cornwall 1525 Augustus Cotton
Map of the Cornish Coastline 1536 (Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection Maps K.Top)
Cornubia 1577 Christopher Saxton for An Atlas of England and Wales Courtesy of Bonhams Auctions)
Cornwall 1579 (01 Christopher Saxton for An Atlas of England and Wales (Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection Maps K.Top)
Cornwall 1579 (02) Christopher Saxton for his English Atlas (Image courtesy of The Mechanical Curator & Wikimedia)
Coloured manuscript plan of Falmouth Haven or Harbour 1579 Lord Burghley's Atlas (Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection Maps K.Top)
Cornwall 1579 (02) Christopher Saxton for An Atlas of England and Wales (Chubb1.)
Cornwall 1605 Pieter van den Keere reprinted 1617: 1620: 1627: 1630: 1646: 1662: 1666 and 1676 (Whittaker #.07) (Chubb LX)
Cornwall 1610 John Speed in The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine (Image courtesy of The British Library)
Cornwall 1612 Michael Drayton to illustrate his Polyolbion (Chubb p. 48 XL)
Cornwall John Speed in TheTheatre of the Empire of Great Britain 1611 (Basset and Chiswell Edition) (Chubb p.23 XXII) (Image courtesy of The Mechanical Curator & Wikimedia
Cornwall 1619 Robert Morden in Camden's Britannia (Image courtesy of Yale University Library)
Cornwall 1627 Pieter van den Keere (reprinted 1617: 1620: 1627: 1630: 1646: 1662: 1666 and 1676 (Whittaker #.07) (Chubb LX)
Cornwall and Wales 1627 Henrik Hondius after Gerard Mercator (Image courtesy of The British Library Maps K.TOP
South-West England 1627 Gerard Mercator IIII Tabula
Cornwall 1646 Jan Jansson in his Atlas Novus
Cornwall 1646 Robert Dudley in Inghilterra
Cornubia_sive_Cornwallia 1662 Joan Blaeu in his Atlas Major
Cornwall 1654 Nicolas Sanson (Incomplete map)
Cornwall 1662 John Speed in A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World (Roger Rea Edition)(Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection Maps K.Top)
A Table of the Hundreds in the County of Cornwal 1673
Cornwall 1654 Nicolas Sanson (Incomplete map)
Richard Blome in his Britannia (Chubb p.81 XCIX) (Image courtesy of Manchester University Library)
Cornwall 1671 Richard Blome for Speed's Maps Epitomiz'd: reprinted with Blome's name (mostly!) removed fromThomas Taylor's England Exactly Described. (Chubb p.78 XCVII) (Image courtesy of Manchester University Library)
Cornwall 1673 Thomas Jenner engraved thumb-nail map after Mathew Simons in A Direction for the English Traveller: with triangular distance table
A colored plan of the Harbour of Falmouth up to Truro and Tregony ca.1690 anon (Image courtesy of The British Library: King's Collection)
A Table of the Hundreds in the County of Cornwal 1693 Richard Blome in his Britannia (Image courtesy of Manchester University Library!
Scilly Isles 1701 Robert Morden
Cornwall 1715 Atlas Van den Hagen Shenk and Valk in Atlas Anglois (After Jan Jansson)
(Chubb p.74 LXXXIX)
Cornubia sive Cornwallia 1720 Jan Jansson per Gerardum Valk & Petrum Shenk
who purchased Jannson's plates from his heirs following his death (Chubb p.74 LXXXIX)
Cornwall 1724 Herman Moll in A New Description of England and Wales (Chubb p.125 CLX (Image courtesy of The British Library: King's Collection)
Cornwal 1738 Robert Morden for Thomas Cox's Magna Britannia et Hibernia: Antiqua & Nova Chubb 103 CXXVIII
Cornwall 1728 in 10 Sheets John Norden in Speculi Britaniae Pars(Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection Maps K.Top)
Cornwall 1742 J.Badeslade: engraved by W.Toms: published in the Chorographia Britanniae (Chubb CLX: CLXI)
Cornwall 1746 Samuel Simpson for The Agreeable Historian... (Chubb p.141 XXXIV)
A New and Accurate Map of the County of Cornwall 1748 Thomas Martyn (Image courtesy of The British Library: King's Collection Maps K.Top.)
Cornwall 1775 Emanuel Bowen and Thomas Kitchin in The Large English Atlas Chubb p.157 CXCV) (Image Courtesy of Biblioteca National de Espania
Scilly Islands 1750-1800 N. Ginver (Image courtesy of Biblioteca Digital Hispanica)
A New Improved Map of Cornwall 1775 Thomas Kitchin (Image courtesy of Biblioteca Digital Hispanica)
Cornwall 1784 Thomas Martyn (Image courtesy of Biblioteca Digital Hispanica)
Cornwall 1786 Thomas Kitchen in Henry Boswell's The Antiquities of England and Wales (Chubb p.210 CCLVII)
Cornwall 1793 John Cary for Cary's New and correct English Atlas (Chubb p.220 CLXXIII)
Cornwall 1795 J.Seller in Francis Grose's supplement to The Antiquities of England(vol 1)
(Chubb p.91 CCXVIII)Cornwall 1786 Thomas Kitchen for Henry Boswell'sThe Antiquities of England and Wales (Chubb p.210 CCLVII)
Cornwall 1803 John Aikin in England Delineated (Chubb p.223 CCLXXXVI))
Isles of Scilly 1805 Homann in Regni Anglei
Cornwall 1806 Daniel Lysons in Magna Britannia (Image courtesy of Wikimedia)
Cornwall 1808 Henry Cooper for Benjamin Pitts Capper's A Topographical Dictionary of the United Kingdom
(Chubb p.245 CCCXXVII)Cornwall 1810 George Cole and John Roper in their British Atlas
(Chubb p.249 CCCXXXiX) (Image courtesy of The British Library-King's Topographical Collection)
Fowey 1814 A copy of a manuscript chart of Fowey
made in the reign of Henry VIII and discovered in 1814: now held in the British Museum
Cornwall 1814 John Cary for Cary's Traveller's Companion
Cornwall 1819 Ellis's New and Correct Atlas (Chubb p.267 CCCLXIV)
Cornwall 1822 Samuel Leigh in Leighs New Pocket Atlas
(Chubb p.97 CXVIII)Cornwall 1824 George Carrington Gray in Gray's New Book of the Roads (Chubb p.281 CCCXCII))
Launceston 1832 Robert Kearsley Dawson for Plans of the Cities and Boroughs of England and Wales
for the Boundary Commission
Truro 1832 Robert Kearsley Dawson for Plans of the Cities and Boroughs of England and Wales for the Boundary Commission
Bodmin 1832 Robert Kearsley Dawson for Plans of the Cities and Boroughs of England and Wales for the Boundary Commission
Cornwall 1835 Samuel Lewis in his Topographical Directory (Chubb p.322 CCCCLXIV)Cornwall 1834 C. and J. Greenwood in Atlas of the Counties of England (Chubb CCCCLVII1a)
(Image courtesy of www.davidrumsey.com)
Cornwall. 1835 Joshua Archer (Chubb P.32 ccccxvii
in Dugdale's England and Wales Delineated
Launceston 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary (Chubb p.322 CCCCLXIV)
Bodmin 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary (Chubb p.322 CCCCLXIV)
Helstone 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary (Chubb p.322 CCCCLXIV)
Liskeard 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary (Chubb p.322 CCCCLXIV)
Liskeard (detail) 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary (Chubb p.322 CCCCLXV)St. Ives 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary
(Chubb p.322 CCCCLXV)Truro 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary
(Chubb p.322 CCCCLXV)Truro (detail) 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary
(Chubb p.322 CCCCLXV)Truro Penryn and Helstone 1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary
(Chubb p.322 CCCCLXV)Cornwall 1836 W. Schmollinger. for Thomas Moule's The English Counties Delineated; or: A Topographical Description of England.
(Chubb p.325 CCCCLXXXI) CCCCLXV)Cornwall 1836 Sidney Hall in his New British Atlas (Chubb p. 314 CCCCLI)
Cornwall 1842 James Pigot in A Pocket Topography and Gazetteer of England
(Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection Maps K.Top.)
Plan of Lauceston 1842 anon.
Cornwall: Devon: Dorset: Somerset: 1844 J. &C.Walker for
The Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge
Plan of Redruth 1855
Cornwall and Scilly 1885 Stanford's Parliamentary Atlas
Cornwall-East Stanford's Parliamentary Atlas
Plan of Truro 1902 Walker & Cockerell