Resources Consulted for Lancashire:

Printed Maps in the  Atlases of Great Britain 1579-1870 
Chubb: Thomas: Dawson 1927

County Atlases of the British Isles: Hodson Donald:
Tewin Press1983

County Atlases of the British Isles: Parts 1 & 2:
Skelton R.A.
 Map Collecters Circle No.9: No.32: 1962

A Descriptive List of the Printed Maps of Lancashire:
Whitaker Harold:Chetham Society  1938


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Lancashire (about 1577) manuscript map of Lancashire in Lord_Burghley's Atlas

Lancastriae Comitatus 1579
Christopher Saxton (Fordham p.001 Map 07 ) (Image courtesy of Bonhams Auctions)

Lancashire 1598  William Smith
(image courtesy of The British Library via Flickr &  Wikimedia)
        (Fordham p005 Map 007 )
Lancastriae Comitatus Palatinus 1607 William Hole  after Christopher Saxon
    (Fordham p.006  map 010 )

Lancashire 1610 John Speed in The Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine 
    (Fordham p.010  page 001 )
The Countie Palatine of Lancaster 1610 
  Pieter van den Keer  
(Fordham p.004  map 0150 )

Lancashire 1612
Michael Drayton to illustrate his Polyolbion  (Chubb pp.45 XXXIII)

Lancaster 1617
Frans Braun and Remegius Hogenberg

Lancashire 1627 Pieter van den Keere

Lancastria Palatinus Anglis
1645  Joan Blaeu  Atlas Van de  Hagen   (Fordham p.029  map 083 )
    (image courtesy of The British Library via Flickr &  Wikimedia)

Lancastria palatinatus, anglis
Lancaster et Lancas shire 1646 Jan Jansson (Image courtesy of Harvard University Library)

Lancashire 1662 
Roger Rea after John Speed in A Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World (Roger Rea Edition)
    (Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection  Maps K.Top)

Lancashire   1664
Joan Blaeu in Atlas  Maior  (Fordham p.039  map 116) 
    (image courtesy of British Library - Albums)

Lancashire 1673
Richard Blome in his Britannia (Fordham p.040  map 121 )
Lancashire 1681
Richard Blome in Speed's Maps Epitomised (Fordham p.045  map 135 )

Ashton Under Lyne
1688  Henry James

The County Palatine of Lancaster 1693  after Christopher Saxton: Amended and re-published by Charles Lea

(Fordham p.47  map 142 ) (Image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

County of Lancaster 1695
Robert Morden for The First English Translation of Camden's Britannia (Fordham p.48  map 145 )
 (image courtesy of Yale University Library)

 Lancashire 1695
John Seller in Anglia Contracta (Fordham p.048  map 146 )
the same plates being used for his In The History of England 1696 (Fordham p.050  map 151 )  and for
(Fordham p.048  map 121 )  and for Camden's Britannia Abridg'd  (Fordham p.50  map 150 )

The County Palatine of Lancaster 1701
Robert Morden in his New Description and State of England (Chubb pp.100 CXXIV)

Lancashire 1715 Richard Blome for Thomas Taylor's England Exactly Described (Not in Fordham) (Chubb pp.107 CXXXVI)

Lancashire 1715 Jan Jansson re-published  by Gerardum Valk & Petrum Shenk who acquired Jasson's plates after his     death: and over time: amended Janssons imprint to their own    (image courtesy of  Wikimedia)

Lancashire 1715
Map and Plan of Preston A. Boyer

Lancashire 1724
Herman Moll in A New Description of England and Wales (Fordham p.56  map 172 )

A New and Accurate Plan of the Town of Leeds 1725
John Cossins (Image courtesy of The Thoresby Society)

Lancashire 1741(First State)
Thomas Badeslade and William Toms in Chorographia Britanniae  (Fordham p.61  map 185 )

Lancashire 1742(Second State)
Thomas Badeslade and William Toms in Chorographia Britanniae (Fordham p.47  map 185 )

An Improved map of Lancashire
1743 John Cowley in R. Dodsley's Geography of England (Fordham p.62  map 189 )

Plan of Manchester and Salford 1745
Russel Casson

Lancashire 1746
Samuel Simpson in Robert Walker's Agreeable Historian (Fordham p.63  map 192 )

A Correct map of Lancashire
1748 Thomas Hutchinson in Osbourn's Geographia Magna  (Fordham p.65  map 196 )

Lancashire 1750
Thomas Kitchin in Henry Boswell's The Antiquities of England and Wales

Lancashire 1750
Thomas Kitchen for The Gentleman's Magazine (Fordham p.67  map 202 )
 (image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

A Map of Lancashire 1751
Thomas Kitchin and Thomas Jefferys in The Small English Atlas (Fordham p.67  map 199 )

A Plan of the Towns of Manchester and Salford 1751
John Berry (Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection. Maps K.Top.18.78.2 tab.)

County of Lancaster 1752
Eman.Bowen and Thomas Kitchin in The Large English Atlas  (Image courtesy of Yale University Library)

Lancashire 1759
John Gibson from Carnan?s New and Accurate Maps of the Counties  
(Fordham p.72   map 216 ) (image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

Lancashire Divided into it's Hundreds  1761
  Emanuel Bowen from The General Magazine of Arts and Science   (Fordham p.73  map 218) (image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

A Modern Map of Lancashire 1765
Joseph Ellis from Ellis's English Atlas  (Fordham p.76  map 226)
(image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

A Plan of Liverpool  1765
John Eyes

A Plan of Liverpool 1766
R. Williamson

Lancashire 1768
Emanuel and  Thomas Bowen in Atlas Anglicanus (not in Fordham)
(image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

A Plan of Liverpool 1769 (lower-left)
George Perry
A Plan of Liverpool 1769 (lower-right)
George Perry
A Plan of Liverpool 1769 (top-left)
George Perry
A Plan of Liverpool 1769 (top-right)
George Perry

Lancashire 1769
Thomas Kitchin in Kitchin's Pocket Atlas (Fordham p.80  map 238)     (image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

The Grand Canal
1772 Leeds to Liverpool

The Eccleston Kendal Canal 1772 
(J.Roper) The Gentleman's Magazine

A Plan of Warrington 1773
J. Wallworth

Lancashire 1786
William Yates  (Fordham p.86  map 260)

Lancashire 1786
Thomas Kitchin in Henry Boswell's The Antiquities of England and Wales  (Fordham p.80  map 238)
with reference to The London magazine erased

A Map of Lancashire with Improvements 1789
John Harrison in Maps of the English Counties (Fordham p.91  map 268)         (image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

A New Map of  Lancashire 1789
John Lodge (Fordham p.80  map 269
    (image courtesy of Lancaster University Library)

A Plan of Liverpool 1790
John Gore (Image courtesy of The British Library King's Collection.Maps K.Top.18.74.)

John Aikin in England Delineated  (Fordham p.92  map 270

 Manchester and Salford
with the adjacent Parts  1793
C. Laurent
    (Image courtesy of The British Library: King's Collection  Maps K.Top.18.79.2 tab

Lancashire 1793
John Cary in his New and Correct English Atlas  (Fordham p.89  map 267)
(Image courtesy of New York Library Digital Collections)

The Manchester to Runcorn Canal 1794
John Aiken & John Stockdale

The Huddersfield-Ashton Canal 1794
John Aiken & John Stockdale

The Manchester to Runcorn Canal  1794 
John Aiken & John Stockdale

The Duke of Bridgewater's Canal    1794
John Aiken & John Stockdale

Lancashire 1795
John Aikin in England and Wales Delineated

 Lancashire 1803 
William Green for R. Butters' A Picture of England 
(Fordham p.80  map 294

A Plan of Manchester and Salford  1809
John Roper and George Cole in their British Atlas
(Image courtesy of The British Library-King's Topographical Collection  Maps K.Top)

A Plan of Liverpool  1809
John Roper in The British Atlas of England and Wales

Lancashire 1810
George Cole and John Roper in their British Atlas 
    (Image courtesy of The British Library-King's Topographical Collection

A Plan of Preston (Part1) 1809
William Shakeshaft
A Plan of Preston (Part2) 1809
William Shakeshaft

Manchester and Salford 1810
George Cole and John Roper in their British Atlas 

Lancashire 1814
John Cary in Cary's Traveller's Companion
(Image courtesy of Wikimedia

A Plan of Liverpool 1816
William Faden

Map of Manchester and Salford with their Vicinities
1816 Joseph Aston
(Fordham p.80  map 269)
Lancashire 1819
William Lewis  in A  New Travellers Guide   A reprint of J. Wallace's 1810 with additions by Lewis. Reprinted again 1812 with Ellis' name (Fordham p.119  map 354)

A New Plan of Manchester and Salford 1821
R. & M. Deane

Plan of Rochdale 1824
Edward Baines (Image courtesy of The Mechanical Curator & Wikimedia)

Lancashire 1824
George Carrington Gray in his New Book of the Roads (see under 'Cook:G.A.)

A Plan of Manchester 1828
Bancks Bros.

Lancaster 1832
Robert Kearsley Dawson for the Boundary Commission

Wigan 1832
Robert Kearsley Dawson for the Boundary Commission

Stockport 1832
Robert Kearsley Dawson for the Boundary Commission

Lancashire 1834
C. and J. Greenwood in  Atlas of the Counties of England (Chubb CCCCLVII1a)
(Image courtesy of

Plan of Manchester 1834 
Joshua Archer for Guide to Knowledge CXVlll

Wigan 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary (Fordham p.145  map 447)
Salford 1835
(detail) Robert Kearsley Dawson for The Boundaries Commission

Bolton 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary

1835 Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary

Manchester 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary

Oldham 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary

Preston 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary

Clitheroe 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary  (Fordham p.145  map

Blackburn 1835
Robert Creighton for Lewis's Topographical Dictionary (Fordham p.145  map

Lancashire  1835 
Samuel Lewis in A Topographical Dictionary of England  (Fordham p.145  map

Lancashire 1836
Samuel Hall in A New British Atlas (Fordham p.148  map454

Lancashire 1837 Thomas Moule in The English Counties Delineated  (Fordham p.148  map 436 )

Lancashire 1837
Samuel Leigh for  Leigh's Topographical Dictionary (Image courtesy of The Mechanical Curator & Wikimedia)

Blackpool Fleetwood and Latham 1844 

Lancashire 1848 
Robert Creighton in Atlas to Lewis' Topographical Dictionary

Street Plan of Manchester 1850 
Rapkin for John Tallis
(Image courtesy of Manchester University Library)

  Liverpool 1854
Bradshaw (Image courtesy of The Mechanical Curator & Wikimedia)

 Lancashire 1854
Bradshaw (Image courtesy of The Mechanical Curator & Wikimedia)

The Manchester Ship Canal 1860 

Blackpool and Southshore
1860 Author n.k

Lancaster and Carlisle Railway 1861
George S. Measom

Plan of Liverpool 1883
Adam Black in Black's Guide To England and Wales

Plan of Manchester 1883
Adam Black in Black's Guide To England and Wales

Lancashire 1885
Stanford's Parliamentary Dictionary of England and Wales

Liverpool 1885
Stanfords Parliamentary Dictionary of England and Wales

Manchester 1885
Stanford's Parliamentary Dictionary of England and Wales

The Turnpike Roads of Lancashire and Cheshire (Page 1)
William Harrison

The Turnpike Roads of Lancashire and Cheshire (Page 2) 1886
William Harrison

The Manchester Ship Canal 1890
W. Mackenzie

Preston 1891
Records of the Parish Church of Preston in Amounderness

Plans of Port Sunlight and of Plan of Bournville 1895
P.I. Giordani in L'Idea della citi-gardin

Lancashire 1911
Encyclopaedia Britannica

Plan of Central Liverpool 1922
John Bartholomew